Download Kausal's latest white paper: Embracing complexity in cities

Our passion is to help communities address the earth’s biggest problems and become forces for positive change.

Our mission is to build the world’s most powerful and easy-to-use tools for smart climate actions by enabling accuracy, accountability, and transparency.

Our values


Our products are open by default and so are we. Leading by example we encourage our customers to leverage the power of open data and communication.


We build and release fast using the latest open source technologies. We are able to quickly change course if needed. We prioritize impact, move fast and fix things.


We let facts and science guide us, and we design our software to provide stakeholders with objective and unbiased data so they can make more objective decisions.


When facing overwhelming and complex challenges we do not seek blame but find solutions. We trust that people are driven by good intentions. Our culture and products keep everyone in the loop.

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