Download Kausal's latest white paper: Embracing complexity in cities

Improve the quality of your data

With custom metrics you can monitor where your city currently stands and how much still needs to be done to reach the goals. You can identify the bottlenecks and most effective actions to focus the efforts on the right place.


Choose the best combination of actions

Deciding upon climate actions requires a lot of negotiation. Kausal helps you bring the facts to the table and facilitate discussions with the decision-makers so you can proceed from discussion into decisions.


Set actionable targets

When it comes to climate actions, there is the question of “how much it costs and how much it reduces emissions”. You are not alone: there are other cities facing the same challenges. Kausal helps you compare different alternatives of actions and choose the best combination for your city.


Case Helsinki Physical Activity Programme

Smart indicators on Kausal Watch help track how Helsinki gets its residents to move more

See Kausal products in action

Learn how to improve your climate data. Book a demo now