Project timeline


Lead partner

Hafen City University Hamburg (DE)

Pilot cities

Tampere (FI) Aarhus (DK) Bytom (PL) Riga (LV) Östersund 8SE) Norderstedt (DE)

Funding programme

Interreg BSR Programme 2021-2027

Project website

Project description

The Climate-4-CAST project contributes to reaching climate neutrality by supporting local public authorities who struggle to integrate climate aspects into urban governance processes with limited municipal funding. High levels of uncertainty about emission impacts, timing and cost of impacts and potential of feedback effects are a barrier to climate action.

Decision-makers are not climate specialists: they speak a different language, so climate specialists need to translate their analyses in terms that municipal budget experts understand, the decision-makers need a reliable science-based foundation on which to base their financial allocations and to monitor results.

To tackle these challenges, the project equips local public authorities with an open source decision support tool to allow both a visualization of climate measure emissions impacts in different scenarios and a cost-benefit analysis of the measure ́s performance against city goals.

Through transnational co-development and piloting in 6 cities in the Baltic Sea region, the tool will be adapted to local context and needs while allowing better cross-border coordination e.g. on data.

Kausal is the tech partner in the project and develops the technical tool, coordinates the testing process and give overall support to the pilot cities in piloting the tool during the project lifetime

Climate-4-CAST is co-funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region to support the green transition of the region.


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